Whatcha Workin’ With?


Since I’m just beginning this journey of being an illustrator I’m trying to get my hands on as many mediums as possible to see what I like working with the best. Mediums I’ve played with include:

  • Pen & Ink
  • Gouache (which is an opaque watercolor paint)
  • Colored Pencil
  • Pastel
  • Graphite

Aaaaaaaaaannnnnd, drum roll, please!

  • Watercolor Pencils!

I am so excited to announce that I received a set of watercolor pencils for Christmas this year and can’t wait to see what I can do with them! I’m not a painter, by any means, but I know how to use a pencil and I absolutely love the look of watercolor artwork in Children’s books, so this seemed like the perfect choice!

I still love working with Pen & Ink ( and I have a piece I’m working on that I’ll be posting soon,) but I will definitely be adding more color to my artwork now!

⇒Art Tip for today⇐

Find time everyday to practice what you love. If it’s drawing, draw; if it’s running, run; if it’s underwater-basket weaving, then get to weaving!

“The most important advice I can give is this: KEEP GOING, NEVER STOP”- Peter Reynolds, author of The Dot

Let’s be something!

Your Illustrator Friend,



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