Hi Everyone,
I’m sure you’ve noticed that I’ve been MIA for a while now and boy am I glad to be back. It’s been hard getting back into the swing of things, but slowly and surely I am making progress (and pictures and stories!)
We recently had a miscarriage, so with all the emotional ups and downs that come with that (and having to excuse myself from things because something will happen that triggers a memory or a sad thought, while also trying to help our 5 year old deal with her emotions,) I’ve been focusing on recovery, not necessarily on improving my craft. Honestly, it’s been hard to go places I used to go or talk to people with little babies or who are currently preggo because I keep thinking, “Things weren’t suppose to go this way. I should be 6 months pregnant right now and I’m not. Why did OUR baby have to die when we would love him unconditionally and cherish even the sleepless nights and teething and so on and so forth? Why, why, WHY??”
And then I feel like this about life:
. . . But then I take a deep breath, accept what happened and try to not bawl my eyes out for the third time today do or think about something useful, positive, or enjoyable.
In April, at the SCBWI Spring Spirit conference, I had the pleasure if meeting Joy Allen who has illustrated many books for young children and has had her illustrations turned into various merchandise. When I asked her how I could get back into illustrating and storytelling after a traumatic event she gave me this advice: to be patient with myself and doodle. A lot.
So, after 4 months of patience and a lot of doodling, I’m back to writing and illustrating on a more regular basis.
Right now I’ve got several stories that I’m working on and one that I’m hoping to pitch to an agent in hopes of someday being published. So wish me luck!
⇒Tip for Today⇐
Set a goal today for your creative work. Make it something you can see yourself
achieving withing the next few weeks (maybe 3?)
It’s always great when you can receive that boost of confidence that achievement gives you 🙂
For myself I want to produce one FINISHED watercolor illustration for
one of my stories before August 3rd (that’s about three weeks, right?) So stick around if you want to
see the finished product!
Leave a comment and tell me what your creative goals are for the rest of the month, I’d love to hear about what cool things you guys are doing. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by,
Yay for getting back into creative work! (And hugs as always). I’m looking forward to seeing your watercolor! Now you have told someone you’ll do it and are obligated to finish it. I’m doing camp NaNoWriMo, which means I set my own word count goals for the month of July. I’m aiming to get back on my novel writing horse and get 10,000 words written this month. Go us!
Awesome! How did you do? Did you make your writing goal for July? ((hugs!))
Love you to the moon and back. Can’t wait to meet Peanut in heaven. So happy you’re feeling like illustrating again!
<3 <3 <3
Sandra you are even more talented that I thought, and honestly it awes me how incredible you are and your art looks absolutely fantastic! My artists goal is to get better at digital art by the end of the year (little more wide spread) I have the software and I have the tools, I just need the effort. I cannot wait for your stories and paintings!!!
Jessica, you’re so sweet! Thank you for the compliments 🙂 I’ve never worked digitally, but I say if you’ve got the tools then go for it! It’s definitely something that’s becoming popular nowadays so it’s a good skill to have!